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List of Online Resources with Charters

When browsing the web a vast number of medieval themed projects offer their diplomata, charters or letters to the scientific community (for free). However, it is often difficult to identify, which provider has suitable charters for a research project. So here is an overview of some content related charter project pages with basic information. This list will be continually extended.

Name of the record type extent language geographical focus *)
time span format/ access project status
Actes royaux de Philippe III, roi de France diplomata 156 la, fr France 13c (1277-1279) xml, json closed
Actes des ducs capétiens de Bourgogne charters 7 la Burgundy 11c — 14c xml, json ongoing
Aposcripta Unified Corpus of Papal Letters




bull 29923 la misc 4c — 18c (324-1806) xml, json ongoing
ALIM — Archivio della Latinità Italiana del Medioevo misc 774 prose and poetry, 6654 charters la Italy 6c — 15c TEI XML, txt, pdf, html ongoing
Chartae Burgundiae Medii Aevi (CBMA) charters, prose, letters 32219 la, fr Burgundy 6c — 18c (507-1718) txm ongoing
Cartulaires d’Île-de-France charters > 4000 fr France, Île-de-France, Paris 12c — 13c tei-xml closed
Chartae Galliae misc 45265 la, fr, ge France 5c —15c (440-1496) html ongoing
Chartes originales antérieures à 1121 conservées en France misc 4932 la Lorraine 4c — 12c (324-1200) html closed
Codice Diplomatico della Lombardia Medievale charters 4191 la Lombardy 8c — 12c (730-1200) html, xml closed
CODOLGA Corpus Documentale Latinum Gallaeciae charters, prose 188872 la Galicia (Spain) 6c — 15c   ongoing
Deeds Project diplomata, charters, bull 63966 la, en, fr, ge British Isles, France, Germany 11c — 14c (1066-1315) html ongoing
Diplomatarium Norvegicum charters ~ 20000 la, no charters connected to Norway 11c — 16c (1050-1590) html closed
Documents linguistiques galloromans (DocLing) diplomata, charters 3544 la France 13c — 15c (1204-1469) xml closed
E-Cartae Actes des évêques d’Évreux charters 266 la France, Evreux 11c — 13c (1000-1223) TEI XML closed
Formulae – Litterae – Chartae charters, letters 14237 la Germany, France, Austria 6c — html, pdf ongoing
Fundació Noguera misc   la Spain 8c — 15c pdf ongoing
Medieval Academy of America misc   misc worldwide     ongoing misc > 500000 misc Europe   pdf, CEI XML ongoing
dMGH diplomata, charters, letters, misc     misc 6c — 15c pdf, html ongoing
OpenMGH diplomata, charters, letters, misc     misc   TEI XML ongoing
Scripta charters 9800 la, fr Normandy 11c — 13c TEI-XML  
The Electronic Sawyer diplomata, charters 1875 la, en British Isles 7c — 19c html ongoing
Württembergisches Urkundenbuch Online diplomata, charters, regesta < 6500 la charters connected to Baden-Wuerttemberg 7c — 13c html, pfd closed

*) according to contemporary region names


OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
piageissel (May 12, 2023). List of Online Resources with Charters. DiDip. Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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